Referral Associate programme is a lead referral programme for Referral Associates. The programme offers you an exclusive membership and a host of benefits associated with it. As a referral associate you can refer Home Loan and Loan against Property leads to us and earn an attractive referral fee on the same. To be a part of this program, all you need to do is enroll as a Referral Associate with us.
Any individual, partnership, private limited or public limited company, society, co-operative bank or any other entity expressing interest in referring potential mortgage loan customers can enroll as a Referral Associate.
As a referral associate, apart from the referral fee you earn, you will also have exclusive access to –
  • Connector Highrise online platform – for seamless management of your referrals, fee, product information, raising queries and much more
  • Mobile App –exclusive mobile app for ease of referring leads with all the features of the online platform
  • Call center support- You will also have access to our dedicated call center for referral associates
You can earn a referral fee of upto 0.55% on the referred home loan and loan against property leads.
The enrolment process is a four step process
  1. Online Registration: Fill in the online registration form at www.mortgage-connector.com
    On submission of request you will receive a unique login id and password
  2. Meeting with sales manager: To facilitate the enrolment process a dedicated Branch Sales Manager will be assigned to you. The sales manager will meet you and collect the necessary documents
  3. Documentation: Signing the referral agreement
  4. Online Enrolment: A unique numeric code will be generated upon document submission. This will be your relationship number with the bank.
    You can then refer leads on the platform and avail other benefits
Kindly note you need to have an Firsthive Bank account for the credit of the referral fee. If you do not have an existing account, we will open an account for you as part of the enrolment process.
There are two types of referral fee or "payouts" available: Sanction based payout (SBP) or Disbursement based payout (DBP). Click here for further details.